Welcome to the home of Oasis MediaCityUK Careers Club, a partnership with the Careers team at Oasis Academy MediaCityUK, our hub community team and The Growth Company.
Careers Club is here to offer support and advice in looking for employment or anyone who is looking for a new job – whether you’re currently unemployed, furloughed or looking for a new role. Careers Club also gives guidance to people who have set up or are looking to set up their own business.
We are excited to host our first Community Careers and Business Networking event on Tuesday 15th March 2022. It is a meeting for Salford residents, community groups, and local businesses to find out what career and business services and support is available in their area. The meeting in March will focus on apprenticeships and skills. All are welcome to attend. Book your place here. Contact Hannah if you need anymore info: Hannah.Miller@oasismediacityuk.org or 07557 076649.
Follow our social media (@mediacityhub) for regular updates.
Careers Club interviews
The first part of Careers Club is a set if interviews to introduce some programmes in Salford that can help those looking for job support, to help others looking to set up their own business, and advice for those who want to grow and develop their own business.
Watch this short interview with Ronnie Rees of Salford Employ and The Growth Company as he explains how his free recruitment and skills programme can support people actively seeking employment in Salford.
This video introduces Brian Jarvis of the Growth Company and Business Growth Hub. Brian explains how engagement in this programme can support in growing small and medium enterprises which employ between 2 and 250 people in Salford.
In this short interview we hear from Michael Ayre of EnterprisingYou at The Growth Company explain how his enterprise support programme can assist self-employed business owners in Salford, providing services such as training and mentoring.
You can contact Ronnie, Brian or Michael directly with their contact details at the end of each video. Or get in touch by emailing Hannah at Oasis Hub MediaCityUK and the team here can help to answer any questions you have.
We’ll be back again soon with more Careers Club interviews, advice and support. If there’s anything in particular you’d like to know more about don’t hesitate to get in touch.